# Plugin

XHR Cache provide a Nuxt.js plugin to manage resources in a simply way.

All resources initialized during nuxt start are available with a specific id and can be retrieved with the getResourceById method.


You can find the generated resource id in the console

Beside any custom resource that has not been cached can be retrived by calling the getResourceByUrl method.

# methods

# getResourceById(id)

  • Arguments:
    • id: (type: string) the id of the resource
  • Returns: Promise<Object | Array>

Return a specific resoure identified by his id


Only resource with generated id can be called.

const resource = await this.$xhrCache.getResourceById('my-resource')

# getResourceByUrl(url)

  • Arguments:
    • url: (type: string) the path of the resource
  • Returns: Promise<Object | Array>

Return a specific resource identified by his url

This is commonly used when using custom middlewrare

const resource = await this.$xhrCache.getResourceByUrl('categories/1425')

# refreshResourceById(id, apiKey)

  • Arguments:
    • id: (type: string) the id of the resource
    • apiKey: (type: string) the apiKey value
  • Returns: Exception if error

Refresh a specific resource identifed by his id.

The apiKey argument is provided for security reason and provided by the apiKey option

this.$xhrCache.refreshResourceById('my-resource', 'MGM90YE-2HEMCCJ-QQ0RGJT-QG3S4BX')